Passport or valid identification and travel
Proof of economic solvency, with one of
the following documents: Proof
of stable employment or independent activity in your place
of residency,
accrediting a minimum monthly income of US$ 500.00, or Proof
of real estate ownership, duly registered in your name,
or Copy
of your bank or securities account statement with average
annual balance
of at least US$ 2,000.00, or Copy of an international credit
Airline ticket confirming
your return to your country of origin or residency.
The citizens of Belize, Jamaica, El Salvador and Malaysia do not need visa, but they must go to some Mexican consulate to obtain the migratory from.
For family members (spouse, children,
or parents) to accompany you, you must prove their status.
As tourist, you will be able to remain in Mexico 180 days.
de Fotos
Nacional de Migración
Homero 1832; Col. Los Morales Polanco; Delegación
Miguel Hidalgo; C.P. 11510, México, D.F; Tel. 01 (55) 53 87 24